Monday, November 14, 2011

#8 Personal Values

Three personal values I have are loyalty, honesty, servanthood.  One, loyalty is very important to me.  It shows selflessness.  If you are loyal to God, your family, your relationships, your ministry, and your friends, it shows that you are devoting yourself to something other than yourself.  It also builds trust.  If you are staying true to what you are loyal to, you will not turn your back on them.  If you have a value of making sure you are where you said you would be for them, then it builds a very strong trust.  In ministries, if you stay loyal to your "flock", then it will show them that they can respect you.  I have learned that a lot in my ministry these past two years.  My first year was rough because many leaders have come and go throughout their ministry.  Having come back for a second year shows that I am trustworthy and loyal to them.  They have now given me the respect of listening to what I have to say.
The second personal value I have is honesty.  Honesty is key in all things.  You always hear the saying from your parents, "Honesty is the best policy!" But it totally is true.  If your are honest in all things, you will build trust.  This will help out because most people will see your intentions, even if you screw up, and give you some kind of mercy.  They may also teach you a lesson through the consequences but it won't be out of anger.  People will give you the benefit of the doubt and they won't watch you to see if you screw up.  They trust you enough because you always have been honest.  This helps build up others as well.  "Iron sharpens Iron".  If you are representing honesty, others will follow.
The third personal value I have is servanthood.  As I said in my first point, I have always been taught that this life does not revolve around you.  It is about others.  I have learned that through being in places to serve all my life.  My parents have put me in those situations and I have seen the benefits of it.   This builds up others and it shows people who don't know Christ who he is through his love.  It involves seeing a need but also acting on it.  We need to serve.  Christ served his people on this earth and we need to do the same in any way we can.

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